
September 2, 2013

Why Korra is an awesome character

While waiting for The Legend of Korra Book 2 (Spirits) to start I decided to re-watch Book 1, which reminded me why I consider Korra one of the most awesome heroines ever!
I may be stating the obvious but what I first noticed about her is that she is not a girly-girl in any way. I mean, try comparing her with Asami for a moment...

See? Korra is badass. She's not your average female protagonist character that needs to be constantly saved by a prince - well, firebender in this case.
I know Asami is not helpless either, it's just that I very rarely come across female characters that are not designed as "girly" (come on, even Asami's eyebrows look like they've been plucked and repainted...)

Korra is a tomboy that can talk back to anyone if she wants to and is not scared to jump into a fight if it means protecting the people around her or even the whole world (I guess it's the Avatar's job).

However, she managed to fall for a jerk... Don't get me wrong, I totally ship Makorra but still, it's a fact that Mako has been acting like a complete douche thoughout the whole of Book 1.

My dirty little secret: When Tahno still had his bending and Mako was being all lovey-dovey with Asami I was a Tahorra shipper. But then Tahno lost his bending and became pathetically depressed...

And some random bonus images

- Let me know your favourite character/scene/ship in the comments :)